
No Glasses - No Problem

Simple Fun Safe Ways to View The Eclipse With What You Already Have On Hand

By Tamaran Scarborough, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Dothan-Ozark, AL August 17, 2017

With the recall of eclipse glasses from Amazon, many places are out, or they are so hard to find that you may have just given up in getting to see the Solar Eclipse on August 21st. Don't worry, I have plenty of other safe ways to view the eclipse. Some of these may be more fun than just the glasses anyway!

Welding Glass #14

Shade number 14 (or higher) welder's glass is one of the most affordable and widely-available filters you can use to observe the sun. The glass must completely cover your eyes at all times of observation.

Cell Camera

For viewers in the path of totality, you can use your smartphone to watch it, but be sure to follow the directions provided by NASA. 

"Using optical filters to photograph the eclipse when you are not on the path of totality is inherently risky because you are looking at the blindingly bright solar surface. NASA makes no recommendations about how to safely photograph the partial eclipse phases because of the huge number of optical filter and camera models that may potentially be used and often with unsafe outcomes."

DIY Viewers

Create your own Pinhole Viewer - Details HERE.

Cereal Box Eclipse Viewer - Details HERE.

Projector to View the Solar Eclipse (Nasa Video) - Details HERE.

How to Make a Shoebox Solar Eclipse Viewer - Details HERE.

Mirror Projector

Details HERE. Just hang a white sheet and think of this one as projecting a movie on a screen. Make a small hole (5mm max) in a piece of paper or card and use it to cover a mirror. Angle the mirror so that it catches the sunlight and reflects onto a wall - you should be able to capture a sharp image of the eclipse to project. If you're out and about that day, this is something you can make and have in your pocket. 

Other Ways to Enjoy the Day

Solar Eclipse Memory Coloring Page By Skip To My Lou. Click HERE.

Free online book for children on the Eclipse "Hey Moon, You're Blocking My Sun". Download HERE.

Celebrate the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse with Space Racers. They are offering digital downloads of the eclipse map, viewing guide, and FAQ free of charge. Download HERE.

NASA will be broadcasting a live stream. Click HERE.

Here's some other information about Solar Eclipses that you may find helpful:

Everything you wanted to know about the Eclipse can be found HERE.